A very enjoyable ‘Endgames’ evening was brought to a brief halt last night after the organiser stepped in something unpleasant that a west highland terrier had deposited previously. After a brief pause for carpet and shoe disinfection, Richard recovered his poise to baffle and entertain the thirteen attendees with seven tricky problems.
The so-called A team led by Paul, narrowly defeated Ravi’s B team, although few of us distinguished ourselves in a phase of the game that we so rarely encounter, far less understand!
Many thanks to Richard for his excellent preparation and delivery.
Next week, it’s “Gambits” with Steve Ledger – “everyone loves a gambit” (to misquote Bronstein shamelessly again) – the more, the merrier!
For those who couldn’t make it or for those who could be would like to re-live the misery of failing to solve them, here are the positions. Richard has provided the solutions but some of his commentary is lost in the ether somewhere so the Editor has made a few inadequate comments as well.
Problem 1
Black to play and win!
Problem 2
White to play and win!
Problem 3
White to play and win!
Problem 4
Black to play and draw!
Problem 5
White to play and win!
Problem 6
White to play and win!
Problem 7
White to play and win!