Game of the Season

Every season (although not last for some reason!), we hold a Game of the Season competition.

Any game published in a post is automatically entered (whether you like it or not!). We currently have quite a good crop which can be seen at Games played by club members in the 2023-24 season – Bedford Chess Club. However, we always need more, and from as many different members as possible.

Every member must have at least one (but more is good!) game they would like to share with the masses.  I am particularly interested to see games of our newer members.

For those of you unfamiliar with the format, and as a reminder to others who pretend they don’t know, any game you have played this season in any competition anywhere will qualify – brilliant, funny, ridiculous, important or insane are some of the qualities that could win the prize.

You can annotate them or not, pgn is preferable but I’ll accept anything (even a photo of a scoresheet), but please send them to me as soon as possible, or certainly within the next fortnight.

We will then compile a shortlist and organise a ballot (details nearer the time) before the AGM in July.

If you can’t find any of your own games, feel free to send games on others’ behalf, as Alex Potts just did for Peter Gill(!):

If you need more encouragement, I suggest you consider this game , sadly not played by Bedford Club members, and this one, which was!