Leighton Buzzard A 3 – 2 Bedford A (game reluctantly added)

203 Tukpetov              1-0   Ledger  195
190 Sharp                     0.5  Habershon 181
184 Law                       0.5  Arulnandhy 170
176 Williamson           0.5  Botteley 170
170 Hunt                     0.5   S. Pike 168
A very close run thing!
  • Boards 2-4 looked (very superficially to my eyes ) drawish throughout.
  • Steve L overlooked a zwischenzug when slightly better in an ending.
  • Steve P played a winning combination one move too late (when it no longer was), got lucky when Hunt played inaccurately but fluffed his chance and was fortunate to get away with a draw – see game if you must!?
By such small matters are matches (and championships?) decided.!?