January 2017 gradings are out!

The January gradings are out – details may be found here but the Bedford players may be summarised as below.  Very little movemnet really (aside from the lengthening of the list of players associated with Bedford!) but the promising juniors Ben Cox and Peter Gill have made some progress.

Name Jan-17
Standard grade
Category Jul-16
Alvarez, Diego 91 F
Arulnandhy, Ravi 157 B 157
Bodily, Richard T 170 C 168
Botteley, Michael T 185 B 186
Burrows, Jeremy C 90 B 87
Chapman, Andrew J 177 C 175
Collacott, Nick 167 C 170
Cox, Ben 111 A 75
Cox, David R 17 E
Cox, Toby 98 A 84
Gill, Peter S 133 B 122
Habershon, Paul F 181 A 178
Harbour, John J 138 B 150
Hickman, Neil 149 C 152
Hill, Chris 156 B 158
Housden, Peter T 108 A 104
Jeremic, Blagan 131 E  131
Joseph, Michael 157 C 164
Karimi, Qais 141 A 136
Laming, Jan 127 D 127
Lawrence, Anthony P 67 B 66
Ledger, Stephen C 191 A 192
MacKenzie, Reginald W (Mac) 77 B 73
Nolan, Gerry 147 A 151
Obi, Marc ON 161 A 161
Pike, Ben 105 B 104
Pike, Steve C 162 B 162
Pound, Robin 95 F
Rosenbaum, Danny 128 D 130
Staddon, J Nigel 111 B 116
Taylor, Alex 163 C 165
Valerio, Giuseppe 153 B 153
Walker, Nigel 86 F


One Reply to “January 2017 gradings are out!”

  1. I asked Adrian the question

    “Should I be using the new grades when deciding upon the board order for the Bedford D team?”

    and got the answer

    “No. We decided when the 6 monthly grades started that we would only use the July list. The one exception to that is if a player has no grade in the July list when we use the grade on the January list.”

    Just in case anyone else was wondering.

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