Game of the 2023-24 season

This is the short list for the Bedford Chess Club 2023-24 game of the season competition. Clicking on the links in the heading of each game accesses the source post for context.

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    James Gardner v Dominic Bartram

    James beats a strong opponent with some style.

    Steve Pike v Gary Kenworthy

    Even strong players need to defend.

    Nick Collacott v Alex Potts

    Alex plays a captain’s innings against a tough opponent.

    Andy Tinker v Rob Walker

    Rob turns the table for a fantastic win.

    Ramsey Dairi v Callum Shields

    Ramsey has fun with the Evans gambit.

    Nick Collacott v Stephen Law

    Nick takes his opponent’s king for a walk.

    Ramsey Dairi v Stephen Law

    Ramsey plays beyond his years.

    James Gardner v Stephen Orton

    James “…destroys the King’s Indian”

    • Nh6 42. e6 Nxf5 43. Qd7[/pgn]

    A Jusufi v Steve Ledger

    Steve has European success.

    Peter Gill v Alex Potts

    Peter shows a certain flair.

    Mike Botteley v Adrian Elwin

    Mike paves the way for his County Championship win against a strong player.

    James Gardner v Mike Botteley

    James digs deep to win the Club Championship.