We had decided to enter the EACU Patrick Ribbands Team Championship 2025 with a strong team from Bedford in the U7200 section. The plan was to Mike on board 1 followed by Ramsey, Jack and I. Unfortunately Mike had to pull out as he was unwell in the week leading to the event, that was taking place on Sunday 9th March. Without our strongest player, this raised the question whether we should withdraw being a player short but thanks to John Wickman, the organiser, he was able to find a solution by introducing Carl Purkis rated mid 1600’s to our team. Therefore, we moved forward with a slight change to the boards, Ramsey on 1 followed by Jack, Carl and I. With 6 teams entering our section, our started rank was 4th based on our aggregate rating.
Round 1 started with each of us having an opponent within 100 points of his rating so fairly even. I was the first one to finish. My opponent played a bit quick but ended up with a rook down but 30 minutes more on his clock. That wasn’t enough for him after simplifying the position, it was straightforward win. Ramsey then claiming a win against James Pack (1930) and Jack then finishing agreeing a draw position. Unfortunately Carl lost his first game. So after R1 we were 21/2 points in 2nd position.
In round 2, I was focusing on my game as I had a much stronger opponent (1600) while everyone else has opposition again within 100 points of their rating. It was an Evans gambit accepted where I had a fantastic activity with 3 pawns down for most of the game. Mark’s king was stuck in the centre with a bishop and 2 rooks who didn’t even move throughout the game. I felt that was a good compensation for 3 pawns. I kept pressing on until I managed to win thus:
Ramsey also finished with a win, then Jack with another draw and Carl was last with a draw. Another 3 points for this round and we were looking good still in 2nd position.
Round 3 started with everyone feeling tired after 2 games. I was running out of ideas and I soon resigned a desperate position. I went to Ramsey’s and Jack’s board and the situation was as grim. However our hero on the day was Carl as he playing a decisive match against an opponent from the team who was challenging us for the second position and his board looked promising. He played very accurately and gave us this important point in this round to finish the day with 61/2 points in second position.
Mahmoud Dairi, 14th March 2025

Round 1 | Date | Rating | White | V | Black | Rating |
2025-03-09 | 1840 (1930) | Pack, James | 0 – 1 | Dairi, Ramsey | 1856 (1900) | |
2025-03-09 | 1801 (1850) | Hale, Jack | ½ – ½ | Cooper, Matthew | 1698 (1772) | |
2025-03-09 | 1295 (1362) | Dairi, Mahmoud | 1 – 0 | Mishra, Neel Vardhan | 1277 (1356) | |
Round 2 | Date | Rating | White | V | Black | Rating |
2025-03-09 | 1856 (1900) | Dairi, Ramsey | 1 – 0 | McLean, David E | 1792 (1758) | |
2025-03-09 | 1905 (1928) | Lim, Mark | ½ – ½ | Hale, Jack | 1801 (1850) | |
2025-03-09 | 1295 (1362) | Dairi, Mahmoud | 1 – 0 | Heffer, Mark | 1678 (1580) | |
Round 3 | Date | Rating | White | V | Black | Rating |
2025-03-09 | 1856 (1900) | Dairi, Ramsey | 0 – 1 | Kemp, Paul R | 1981 (1985) | |
2025-03-09 | 1808 (1859) | Gaffney, Samuel | 1 – 0 | Hale, Jack | 1801 (1850) | |
2025-03-09 | 0000 (1769) | Ling, Robert W | 1 – 0 | Dairi, Mahmoud | 1295 (1362) |
Great result, well played all