Bedfordshire win the Fleming Trophy

Bedford club players made up over a third of the county team that beat Buckinghamshire. Steve Ledger’s game is attached below. Kevin Williamson comments:-

“In the end it was a convincing result, but I gather a lot of the games were very close. I was too preoccupied in trying to save a dodgy position to see much of the other games.

It was particularly pleasing to see all our junior players get results, with special mention to Daniella (out-rated by over 500 points!) who may be the youngest player to ever represent Bedfordshire…”

                                                 Fleming Trophy
                                           Saturday 30-November-2024

            Buckinghamshire CCA                             Bedfordshire CCA
Board  1 : Hansen, Hans-Peter                  2190   0-1   Ledger, Stephen C                  2125
Board  2 : James, Stephen B                    2048   0-1   Gardner, James                     2103
Board  3 : Law, Stephen                        2000   0-1   Kenworthy, Gary                    2092
Board  4 : de Coverly, Roger D                 1993   1-0   Meichel, Eric B                    2064
Board  5 : Beedle, Jon                         1974   1/2   Rashad, Faisal                     1841
Board  6 : Tinker, Andy                        1913   1/2   O’Brien, Thomas P                  1946
Board  7 : Kelen, Peter                        1904   0-1   Bowler, Andrew                     1887
Board  8 : Boyce, Mike A                       1858   1/2   Valentine, Brian                   1872
Board  9 : Wheeler, Tim                        1837   1/2   Dairi, Ramsey                      1856
Board 10 : Morrisby, Peter                     1850   1/2   Williamson, Kevin J                1847
Board 11 : Cox, Steven                         1797   0-1   Hale, Jack                         1825
Board 12 : Wilkinson, John                     1767   1/2   Singh, Damanjeet                   1750
Board 13 : Chojnacki, M Kevin                  1667   0-1   Watson, Dominic                    1726
Board 14 : Hall, Ian JL                        1487   0-1   Stanchev, Milen                    1421
Board 15 : Bambrough, Ian                      1463   0-1   Dairi, Mahmoud                     1295
Board 16 : Baker, Simon                        1413   1-0   Osborn, Mark                       1281
Board 17 : Perez, Juan A                       1347   1/2   Dairi, Daniella                    821
   Match Score :                                   5.5 – 11.5