Bedfordshire Individual round 2

Bedford club players competed in the second  round of the Bedfordshire Individual Championship, hosted by the Bedford club yesterday:-

  • Paul Habershon beat Marc Obi, having had slightly the worse of it for most of the evening
  • Steve Ledger and Richard Freeman drew a dour struggle that went all the way down to K+P v K
  • Gerry Nolan beat Ben Pike but not before Ben missed a number of tactical shots that might have changed the result
  • Steve Pike drew a crazy game against Graham Borrowdale – having been well in control for much of the game, Graham blundered a rook in mutual time trouble and in a wild position found a perpetual check (not without a bit of help from his, by that time, punch drunk opponent)
  • Jan Laming’s game against Adrian Matthews was postponed until next week

Full details may be found here.