There has been an excellent contribution of games and positions to the website this season with over 30 being submitted for publication. They range from the sublime to the ridiculous, the stunning to the tragic and the beautiful to the downright deceitful – but all have merit. There is something very informative about playing through games of your peers, just as there is something very cathartic about offering them for inspection by others, and I believe that this is one of the things that sets our website apart from the herd.
Consequently, we have decided to hold a lighthearted “Game of the year” competition. This will take the form of a poll of club members of any published games as at 20th June, played by a club member during the 2014-15 season – details of the selection mechanism will be communicated later.
Between now and then, to ensure the entry is rich and variable, we need more games! Whilst many members have offered a game or so, some (including the B team captain and the division 2 champion who must have played some great games over the year!) have offered none. If you have sent one in already, why not send another. “Everybody must have played at least one game that didn’t leave them full of despair and self-loathing” (to mis-quote GM Simon Williams)!
Please send me brilliant, interesting, quirky, shocking, funny or just any games in which you have been involved, during the 2014-15 season.
You can copy pgn from Fritz (or similar), just bash the moves into an email or simply lend me the scoresheet. Any which way, I am more than happy to publish whatever I get. Feel free to annotate or not.
Thanks in anticipation,