Bedford D ½ – 4½ Leighton Buzzard B

Bedford D Leighton Buzzard B
Board Name Grade Score Score Name Grade
1 John Harbour 143 0 1 Kevin Williamson 176
2 Qais Karimi 126 0 1 Brian Valentine 162
3 Jan Laming 120 ½ ½ Peter Taylor 153
4 Blagan Jeremic e120 0 1 Fred Dorn e125
5 Mac MacKenzie 82 0 1 Ted Brown e120
24/03/2016 ½


As is usual, Blagan was first to finish. He had the rook in a R+3P vs B+3P ending, then carelessly left his king and rook on the same diagonal, and no longer had the rook.

Qais had two knights against two bishops in a position where I thought the knights might be better: apparently they weren’t.

Mac played the Pirc and seemed fine in the middle-game. I didn’t see where it went wrong.

Jan played the French against Peter Taylor and never seemed in any trouble. Another fine result.

I came out of the opening clearly ahead, but failed to get anywhere with a queenside attack. Kevin outplayed me in the endgame.

In the end we were well beaten, but not without putting up a fight.

John 25/03/16

2 Replies to “Bedford D ½ – 4½ Leighton Buzzard B”

  1. The details of my game against Blagan are quite misleading. He had 2R + 3P against my R, B and 5P.

    When he took the pawn on g6, it was indirectly defended by the forced combination which brought his king onto the white square, namely …48 Rb3- b1+,49 Rd1 x b1.. a2xb1=Q+ 50 Kxb1 Be4+.

    1. Thanks, Fred. I only got up to see the final position, and Blagan saying “I made a stupid move – sorry.” Seems his error was a bit more subtle than he was implying.

      Cheers. John

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