Bedford A back on form

Bedford A returned to form, having dropped our first match point of the season to the B team last week, with a resounding 4-1 victory over

Leighton Buzzard B  (who beat their A team a couple of weeks ago !).

BoardRatingBedford AVLeighton Buzzard BRating
2125Ledger, Stephen CG1 – 0Williamson, Kevin J1847
2065Arulnandhy, RaviN0 – 1Matthews, Adrian MS1809
1970Collacott, NickB1 – 0Valentine, Brian J1872
1957Habershon, Paul FG1 – 0Taylor, Peter1810
1750Hale, JackG1 – 0Dorn, C Fred H1746
Total98674 – 19084

We were missing usual Bd 2, James Gardner, for the first time this season but young Jack made up for that with an excellent A team debut.

My game, against Kevin Williamson, was an interesting affair, as I managed to hold off a fairly Caveman style hack. (See game below)

On board 2, Ravi made a right mess of a Schveshnikov  Sicilian, against the dangerous Adrian Matthews, and was never really in the game despite managing to make it to an ending, albeit a piece for a pawn or two down. 

On 3, Nick’s game seems to have been resolved by some mutual “chess blindness” in the early middle game. (See game below)

On 4, Paul wracked up a comfortably smooth victory as  Pete Taylor misplayed the opening, dropped a pawn and threw in the towel after 23 moves.

On 5, Jack’s A team debut seemed like a fairly comfortable victory as well. Qs came off early, leaving Jack to target an IQP which he duly won, followed by some more pawns followed by the game 🙂

As I was only sent comments and a partial game from the rest of the team you have to put up with my game again !

Steve Ledger, 17th February 2025