188 Perkins 0-1 Ledger 195
158 Joseph 0-1 Habershon 181
156 Montgomery 0-1 Bodily 171 – see game
146 D’Cruz 0-1 Botteley 170
117 Kelly 0-1 Arulnandhy 170
The match was notable for being the last at Kent’s before the venue closes for good. Luton will probably fulfil their remaining home fixtures at the Open University.
Boards 3 and 5 saw quick tactical Bedford wins. On Board 1 Perkins lost material and eventually resigned perhaps slightly prematurely in an ending a piece down for two pawns. On 4 Botteley won a pawn, and then a long rook and knight v rook and bishop ending with just kingside pawns left. On board 2 Joseph was equal or better for the first twenty moves but then gradually lost material after a positional error.