April Fool

Congratulations to Peter G, who drew with a champion on Thursday, and then caught some of us out with a finely crafted April fool email on Friday. For those who missed out, here it is:

Chess Club of the Year

Great news. After years of entering unsuccessfully we have finally won the ECF Chess Club of the Year award. There will be a presentation at the British Championships – hopefully our Chairman will be available to collect it.
The judges particularly commended the web-site (“full of helpful examples of how not to play chess as well as the occasional brilliancy by club members”) and the premises (“well situated, comfortable, sometimes quiet and excellent beer at reasonable prices”).
Finally special mention was made of two longstandng senior members (aka old codgers) who despite waning powers are invariably willing to take on all comers at doubles late into the night.

One Reply to “April Fool”

  1. Yes, very funny Peter!? It quite distracted me from a phone conference I was having at the time (which by the way was 14 minutes after midday – these things are important to the more OCD of us!).

    I’m not going to ghost-comment all the email traffic to save the blushes of the gullible club (of which I am at least a part-member) but I was struck by Paul’s reference which is well worth a look http://www.ecforum.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8223&sid=35adc4e927c768e7f632e22411c7e052#p175993
    – easily the most amusing item in the ECF thread!

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