Champions beaten in Bedford derby!

Defending Champions Bedford B took on the upstart challenge of Bedford A on Thursday night.

Recent matches between the teams have been close, and despite the A Team bringing out their big guns, the B Team had that start of season optimism that they could upset the odds.

Marc faced the daunting prospect of facing Mindaugas on board 1. A Benoni opening saw Marc press on the queenside and a very adventurous venture forward by his queen. Mindaugas clinically wove a net around the monarch and successfully trapped it, winning the game (see below, apologies Marc! – Ed)

Board 2 saw the battle of the Steves. Steve P tried 2 b3 against the Sicillian but the black squared bishop ran into a d6/e5 blockade and looked misplaced. Meanwhile Steve L opened up the kingside with a timely f5 and white’s position became difficult with pieces on the wrong squares and without too many places to go. A final tactic winning either a rook or the queen saw Mr Ledger win the game.

The battle of the captains took place on Board 3. Paul gained an early space advantage out of the opening and I eventually sacrificed a pawn in an attempt to free the game. Perhaps there were some drawing chances, but the failure to take the opportunity to exchange off a pair of rooks certainly did not help my position and I ended up being tied in knots, and faced with the loss of another pawn resigned.

Fortunately, the bottom two boards put up some spirited resistance to at least avoid a whitewash.

Mike’s game against Andy on board resulting in a “dodgy opening” and some “dodgy middle game play” (Mike’s words!). Despite this, Mike’s position remained solid, albeit a little cramped, and Andy was not really able to make any progress. A draw was agreed, which looked the right result.

Richard faced his nemesis, Qais, on Board 4, having lost on both previous meetings. The game looked pretty level for much of the time, with opposite coloured bishops (plus a rook) ending seeming to be heading for a draw. Qais persevered and managed to win a couple of very useful pawns and seemed to be heading for a comfortable win. At the death a slight inaccuracy appeared to allow Richard to escape, but he immediately returned the favour and lost his bishop and the game.

The final score of 3.5 – 1.5 was fair overall.

Alex Taylor, 26th October 2018


Home Team: Bedford B Away Team: Bedford A
Board Name Grade Score Score Name Grade
1 Marc ON Obi 167 0 1 Mindaugas Beinoras 229
2 Steve C Pike 170 0 1 Steven C Ledger 186
3 Alex Taylor 163 0 1 Paul F Habershon 180
4 Qais Karimi 159 1 0 Richard T Bodily 178
5 Michael T Botteley 154 0.5 0.5 Andrew J Chapman 169
1.5 3.5
Played: 25/10/18