Game of the Season – full result

Thanks to everyone who voted for the Game of the Season.  As announced at Thursday’s AGM, the winner was Steve Ledger for his excellent win in the final round of the County Championship.

Here is the full result in more detail:-

16 members and Mark McCready (a regular commenter and blogger of Bedfordshire Chess in days past) voted for first, second and third choices.  Awarding 3 points for first choice, 2 for second and 1 for third meant that a total of 102 points were shared amongst the 18 games that received any vote (from the 35 games).

Game Total Cosmetically editted comments by voters (Ed’s note)
33. Ledger v Williamson 18 “A good all round attacking game, very well played”;  “Very classy”;  “Patient build up with a strong finish”
7. Harbour v Ledger 15 “Hard to resist a giantkilling. Also John managed to avoid being swindled by Steve in a rook ending”;  “Because anyone who plays 1.a3 again and again deserves a mention in game of the season … “
24. Dempster v Arulnandhy 13 “Very pretty”;  “Pure Ravi calypso-style play”
15. Bodily v Montgomery 6
28. Pike B v Valerio 6 (this was the Queen self-mate in 9!!)
25. Habershon v Borrowdale 6
3. Taylor v Law 5 “Nice fun game”
11. Saravanan v Nolan 5 “Victory for an old codger”
17. Ledger v Habershon 5 “… with no obvious mistakes by white and a good example of how to keep on top of things”
26. Laming v Rawcliffe 5 “…  a win by one of the new members who gave a lot to the club during the season and showed great efficiency in a fine win by a young player”
12. Habershon v Levine 4
14. Harbour v Hickman 3 (this was the Christmas tree puzzle!!)
22. Hill v Harbour 2
4. Nolan v Hickman (3) 2
16. Pike S v Solloway 2
27. Botteley v D’Cruz 2
31. Pike B v Staddon 2
19. Pike S v Hunt 1