Extraordinary escape for Bedford A at Northampton

159 Peter Tibbert 0 1 Ravi Arulnandhy 177
152 Branko Pribanich 1 0 Paul Habershon 182
131 Eva Ressell ½ ½ Steve Pike 178
111 David Curran ½ ½ Richard Bodily 164
108 Dion Lindsay 0 1 Marc Obi e150
2 3
Played 4th March 2015

With only half an hour of this match remaining it is no exaggeration to report that Northampton were winning 4-1. Unbeaten Bedford A, supposedly cruising to the league title, were about to suffer a humiliating reverse against the bottom team. Northampton have had a miserable season, losing every match, including one by default, Although Bedford were without Ledger and Botteley, this should have been a routine victory, especially as Northampton lacked their star player, Ross.

Here is the debacle in order of finished games.

Bd 5: a fairly quick victory for Marc playing in only his second Beds. League match.

Bd 4: Richard blunders a piece early on and is completely lost for virtually the whole game. His opponent misses a mate in one and in the ending Richard somehow manages to reduce him to two knights and a pawn for which Richard can sacrifice his last piece. A lucky draw.

Bd 2: Paul goes into a minor piece ending where he thinks his bishop is better than the opposing knight. He is then outplayed by Branko who makes good use of a Q side passed pawn to win on the K side.

Bd 4: Steve has long had a positional advantage but blunders and has to sac the exchange to avoid being a piece down. He goes into an ending with B and five pawns v R and three. Eva misses several chances to return the exchange with a trivially won K and P ending and eventually Steve gets a passed h pawn far enough forward to force her to take a perpetual check.

Bd 1: so the match is poised at 2-2 and the focus switches to Ravi. He has outplayed his opponent from the opening but cannot find a quick kill in what looks like an overwhelming attack. Gradually the tables turn and Ravi is well behind on time in the rapidplay finish. In a major piece ending Ravi (White) has his queen on h6 and doubled rooks on the f file  threatening mate on f8, but Black has been keeping it covered while winning a pawn and advancing a passed pawn to the sixth rank. Ravi has one minute left to his opponent’s ten. Black has temporarily taken his queen’s eye off f8 to deliver a check and then inexplicably advances his pawn to the seventh. Rf8+ Rxf8 Rxf8 mate!


If Leighton Buzzard win their remaining matches Bedford A need two points from their last two matches to win the league. However, against a resurgent Bedford B and finally at Milton Keynes A we will have to play a lot better than this.

Paul Habershon 06/03/2015

3 Replies to “Extraordinary escape for Bedford A at Northampton”

  1. Thrown into the deep end…could’ve easily drowned. Sometimes the irony of the game makes it all the more exciting!

  2. When Marc finished his game and surveyed the carnage around him, I think he started to wonder which team he was playing for!

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