4NCL game

Mainly to test Steve’s instructions for self-posting on the Bedford Club website. I played this game today at the Holiday Inn, Birmingham Airport, and missed a drawing chance.

2 Replies to “4NCL game”

  1. Pleased that my self-post seems to have worked! It’s not perfectly done, I suspect. I thought the annotation moves would be playable on the board. How do I achieve that? Also are the ‘start’ and ‘end’ instructions supposed to actually appear?

    1. Thanks for this Paul – excellent. I have replied separately covering the points you mention but for the wider audience:-
      1) if you put round brackets around your variation and braces around the comments within the variation, you will be able to play the variation on the board i.e. ({Missing a final chance to draw with } 51…Bh4+! 52 Kf3 Qd1 { with the idea of a perpetual with Qd3+. The White queen is peculiarly powerless to prevent this.}) – if you insert your variation and comments within Fritz, it would also do this;
      2) the start and end are directives so there should be no space after the colon e.g. :end not : end

      I have tweaked in both regards but in any event its excellent that the site is now being updated by John, Gerry, Neil, yourself, …. etc. without any intervention from me – exactly how it should be! The more, the merrier, and the less infantile jokes about American footballers, the better.


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