Competitions 2018-19

There are  three main club tournaments, Divison 1,  Division 2 Noblemen and  Division 2 Clergymen and a less formal Open competition.  The time control for Divisions 1, 2 and 3 is the same as the Beds League.   The time control for the Open should be the same if possible but may be shorter as long as it is as least 61 minutes per player.

The Division 2 Noblemen  and Clergymen  will run as traditional round robin events until the end of April whereupon the top two in each division will play-off to secure the two promotion places to Division 1 and the Division 2 trophy – see note below for details.

The various recent rule clarifications made over recent seasons (including the new amendment regarding how to deal with additional division 1 places) may be found here.  This includes the new time control.

In July, various light-hearted events are held, the exact format of which are decided upon nearer the time.

Recent updates appear in blue. 

Championships, promotions and relegations are shown as they become evident.

Any mistakes or updates, please reply below or let Joe or me know – Ed.

Division 1

Division 1 playing schedule:-


October 2018, Marc Obi v R. McMorran, Steve Pike v Qais Karimi, Richard Bodily v Robert Walker, P. Habershon v Steve Ledger
November 2018, Steve Ledger v Nick Collacott, Robert Walker v P. Habershon, Qais Karimi v Richard Bodily, R. McMorran v Steve Pike
December 2018, Steve Pike v Marc Obi, Richard Bodily v R. McMorran, P. Habershon v Qais Karimi, Nick Collacott v Robert Walker
January 2019, Robert Walker v Steve Ledger, Qais Karimi v Nick Collacott, R. McMorran v P. Habershon, Marc Obi v Richard Bodily
February 2019Richard Bodily v Steve Pike, P. Habershon v Marc Obi, Nick Collacott v R. McMorran, Steve Ledger v Qais Karimi

March 2019, Qais Karimi v Robert Walker, R. McMorran v Steve Ledger, Marc Obi v Nick Collacott, Steve Pike v P. Habershon
April 2019, P. Habershon v Richard Bodily, Nick Collacott v Steve Pike, Steve Ledger v Marc Obi, Robert Walker v R. McMorran
May 2019, R. McMorran v Qais Karimi, Marc Obi v Robert Walker, Steve Pike v Steve Ledger, Richard Bodily v Nick Collacott
June 2019, Nick Collacott v P. Habershon, Steve Ledger v Richard Bodily, Robert Walker v Steve Pike, Qais Karimi v Marc Obi


Division 2 Noblemen

Division 2N playing schedule:-
October 2018, Gerry Nolan v Ben Cox, Lucian Cox v Tony Lawrence, Mike Botteley v Alex Taylor
November 2018, Alex Taylor v Callum Shields, Tony Lawrence v Mike Botteley, Ben Cox v Lucian Cox
December 2018, Lucian Cox v Gerry Nolan, Mike Botteley v Ben Cox, Callum Shields v Tony Lawrence
January 2019, Tony Lawrence v Alex Taylor, Ben Cox v Callum Shields, Gerry Nolan v Mike Botteley
February 2019, Mike Botteley v Lucian Cox, Callum Shields v Gerry Nolan,Alex Taylor v Ben Cox
March 2019, Ben Cox v Tony Lawrence, Gerry Nolan v Alex Taylor, Lucian Cox v Callum Shields
April 2019, Callum Shields v Mike Botteley, Alex Taylor v Lucian Cox, Tony Lawrence v Gerry Nolan

First playoff, James Gardner 1-0 Mike Botteley, Alex Taylor 0-1 Toby Cox
Second plaoff, Mike yBotteley 0.5-0.5 James Gardner, Toby Cox 0.5-0.5 Alex Taylor


Please note, a quick play round of games will be scheduled one day if a play-off match results in a draw.  Both winners of the play-off matches will be promoted to Division 1 and they will share the Division 2 trophy.  However, the winners may agree to play a final round or rounds (which they will organise) to determine the Division 2 Champion.

Division 2 Clergymen 

Division 2C playing schedule:-
October 2018, David Cox v Ben Pike, Peter Gill v John Harbour, James Gardner v Mac McKenzie
November 2018, Mac McKenzie v Toby Cox, John Harbour v James Gardner, Ben Pike v Peter Gill
December 2018, Peter Gill v David Cox, James Gardner v Ben Pike, Toby Cox v John Harbour
January 2019, John Harbour v Mac McKenzie, Ben Pike v Toby Cox, David Cox v James Gardner
February 2019, James Gardner v Peter Gill, Toby Cox v David Cox, Mac McKenzie v Ben Pike
March 2019, Ben Pike v John Harbour, David Cox v Mac McKenzie, Peter Gill v Toby Cox
April 2019, Toby Cox v James Gardner, Mac McKenzie v Peter Gill, John Harbour v David Cox

First playoff, James Gardner 1-0 Mike Botteley, Alex Taylor 0-1 Toby Cox
Second plaoff, Mike yBotteley 0.5-0.5 James Gardner, Toby Cox 0.5-0.5 Alex Taylor

Please note, a quick play round of games will be scheduled one day if a play-off match results in a draw.  Both winners of the play-off matches will be promoted to Division 1 and they will share the Division 2 trophy.  However, the winners may agree to play a final round or rounds (which they will organise) to determine the Division 2 Champion.



In the Open, any member of the club may challenge another – new entrants, simply add your name to the table to find out what colours you should play. Games are graded provided the time control affords at least 61 minutes for each player although the same control as the three divisions is encouraged.

Recent rule clarifications for divisions 1, 2 (knights and bishops) and 3

  1. (2014) Provided BOTH players agree, the time control will be 75 minutes for the first 35 moves (as previously) followed by 15 minutes for the rest of the game (as previously) with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move 36.     Alternatively, the 30 second increment phase may start when one player’s clock completes the first 75 minutes.   If either option is taken, a full score MUST be kept during the second period, even during the last 5 minutes on the clock. (superseded – see 8 below)
  2. (2014) All players MUST play at least two games in their division by the end of the calendar year. Note (2015), as far as possible, these should be actual games, not byes or defaults.
  3. (2015) Should a player complete less than half of their games during the season, they will be removed from the tournament and any games played will be scratched as far as the tournament is concerned (but will still count for grading) – for clarity, this may happen during the season if it is clear to the tournament controller that this is inevitable.
  4. (2015) Should a player complete at least half of their games during the season, their games will stand but any unplayed games will (at the discretion of the tournament controller) be scored as losses.
  5. (2015) In particular, if a division 1 player is removed from the tournament for playing none or less than half of their games, they will take one of the relegation places.
  6. (2015) Should players tie for points at the end of the season, the relative Sonneborn-Berger (or more accurately Neustadtl) scores will determine places for the purpose of promotion, relegation and titles.
  7. (2016) Once the 2 demotion and promotion places are settled, if because of withdrawal a further place or places arises, the place(s) will be filled by further promotion(s) from Div 2 of the next placed player(s) not by saving Div 1 players from demotion.
  8. (2016) The incremental time limit (35 moves in 70 minutes + 10 minutes for remaining moves, with 10 second increment from move 1) will be used, the 10 minutes will be programmed to be added when one of the clocks first reaches zero (i.e. after 70 minutes).  This will be mandatory in Division 1, 2 and 3 and encouraged in the Open.  Instructions for setup on the clubs clocks are as follows:-
  • If you scroll to Mode 21 you should see each clock showing 1:10 (= 1h 10m, but there is actually a 10 second increment hidden in there as well). A further 10 second increment will be automatically added after every move you play right up to the end of the game. No action is needed after Black’s 35th move – you just need to make sure that 35 moves have been played before the first clock gets down to zero. A black ‘flag’ will temporarily appear when that happens, to cover the rare cases when you need to know who got to zero first. As soon as the first clock reaches zero, ten minutes are automatically added to each clock and you must complete the rest of the moves in your remaining time. You still get the 10-second increments. A black flag will appear again if someone loses on time.
  • For the Open Tournament, Mode 21 is also encouraged but you can play a shorter form.  A minimum of 61 minutes is required for grading. Mode 18 has been set to 61 minutes (1:01) (+10-second increments) for the whole game.

An amended guide to changing dgt settings may be seen  here.